
South Africa Reopens Horse Imports Following Groundbreaking Agreement with Belgium

26/05/2023, by Candice Hobday, 0 comments

After nearly nine gruelling months of negotiations and industry apprehension, the equestrian communities in Belgium and South Africa can finally…

SURRA in Equines: Understanding the Disease, Treatment, and Current Import Regulations in South Africa

25/05/2023, by Candice Hobday, 0 comments

SURRA is a highly contagious and fatal disease that affects equines such as horses, donkeys, and mules.

Know More, Fly Better!

09/09/2021, by Candice Hobday, 0 comments

Do you remember your first flight?

2021 World Endurance Championships

26/05/2021, by Candice Hobday, 0 comments

Will EU Audit Proceed due to COVID-19?

18/03/2020, by Candice Hobday, 0 comments

This was one hurdle we didn’t foresee

The FVO have finally allocated a date for the audit in South Africa

27/01/2020, by Candice Hobday, 0 comments

The long-awaited European Union (EU) audit date for the South African Bloodstock Industry has been announced by the Food and…

Major New EU Development for Bloodstock Exports

19/12/2019, by Candice Hobday, 0 comments

Mike De Kock hails the ‘announcement of the year’ as EU confirms the South African audit for Bloodstock Exports.

5-Star Treatment for Cute Little Customer

27/11/2019, by Candice Hobday, 0 comments

5-Star treatment all the way! We at Hobday Equestrian Enterprises enjoyed transporting this cute little customer to the pet lounge…

EU has agreed to an audit of South Africa’s bloodstock export protocols

19/11/2019, by Candice Hobday, 0 comments

The European Union (EU) has agreed to an audit of South Africa’s bloodstock export protocols and has committed to announcing…

African Horse Sickness Could be Cured by UAE-Developed Vaccine

13/11/2019, by Candice Hobday, 0 comments

African Horse Sickness (AHS) has been responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in South Asia.

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